I should have made it clear before.
I hate being human. As simple as that. Most of my unpopular views and beliefs stem from the fact that everything about so-called "human nature" is simply disgusting to me.
I hate how ultimately dependent we are. On food, water, oxygen, hours of sleep and activity, disposing of our biological waste. The list goes on and on. Can't we all just agree that this is super inconvenient?
How fragile our body is. How incomplete and imperfect we are. How we can't just turn biological processes on and off by wish. How any upgrade to the body or "mental" part takes enormous amounts of time and effort.
Our senses are limited, our brains, the most important evolutionary advantage, are not reliable enough. We built the entire civilisation out of desire to make up for things we lack naturally.
Yet we failed.
We failed to develop the theory of everything: our understanding of different parts of the universe at different scales sorely contradict each other, and according to the final conclusion of philosophy, it's never going to be solved.
We failed at remaining healthy and happy. Consuming things simply does not help, we always want more, and we are constantly anxious in trying to compete each other even when there's nothing to compete for.
We failed at maintaining peace. At keeping our home, the only piece of rock in space we can safely survive on, ours. Creating so many imaginary barriers and ideas that become frankly far more important than our own perception of physical reality.
Man is the measure of all things: of things which are, that they are, and of things which are not, that they are not.
— Protagoras
The only think that can judge human, is human itself. I therefore condemn myself, and everyone else, for being a human. For exhibiting everything we used to call "human nature" and wear as a badge of honor.
We can do better, we can become more perfect version of ourselves, and then, we can build things that are better than us. And let them replace us. For the greater good.